How to travel the world in a Bicycle at under $10 a day with JKB

Two and a half years back, Jonathan @ JKB set out in his bicycle from his home in London to meet his mom in Denmark. He has since cycled across 4 continents and ___ countries on his bicycle. Before the journey,he had never cycled more than 10 Km at a time. He truly set off with no experience or even a plan and has literally come miles together. He travelled across Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand and is currently pushing his pedals somewhere in USA. I had been closely following his FB page and blog for a while.

JKB’s blog has a wealth of information for any novice biker aspiring to prepare for a long distance cycling trip. It immensely helped me in planning my recent 405 Km bicycle trip where inspired by JKB, Hari (my husband) and I biked and camped on our way. JKB’s humble beginning and story gave me a lot of confidence that anyone can do this. But how? I had a million silly and not so silly questions and he generously responded to all of them.

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It’s My Fault !!

Child’s Play

Ananya, my friend’s four year old daughter was caught throwing away her socks and when questioned why she did so, she quickly blamed it on her sister who had left for school at least three hours earlier. This was how I too was as a Kid, and am afraid as an adult too for a very long time. I fall into this habit even now a number of times if I don’t catch myself in the act.


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Who are the 5 people you hangout with ?

Existentialist Question

How do you become a better person? How do you improve your odds of success?

There is a simple formula to succeed in life i.e to surround your self with outstanding people.

You = Avg (Friend 1+ Friend 2 +…Friend 5)

Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey

Continue reading Who are the 5 people you hangout with ?

Why we should celebrate ?

The Way Mind Works

We all remember the moments we had missed a bus/train/flight by a whisker, missed the top college by quarter of a mark in cut off, the stock that we failed to buy/sell in time, the girl you did not ask out but were interested in and that is how the mind works. I am not sure if it is quest for improvement, or just plain negativity, there is always a lot of focus on things that were missed. The dominant feeling in this case is pain and it’s deep.

Celebrating Life
I Celebrate Me

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Gamify your Life

We all have chores that we hate to do, even in jobs that we love. Sales people who hate to file reports, Finance guys who hate to speak to people,  Runners who hate to wake up early in the morning, Kids who hate to eat are more of rules than exceptions. What can we do that can bring joy or atleast make these tasks bearable enough to get them done. Answer lies in ‘Gamification‘.

Gamification – Defined:

Gamification is a great way to have fun while doing a mundane task or motivate others to do such mundane tasks. A good game is one that contains as many as 3 or 4 of the below features:

  1. A measurable time bound activity
  2. Clear Outcomes
  3. Peer Group Involvement
  4. Rewards

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21 days of ‘No Junk Food’ Challenge

It is said ‘We are what we Eat’. So with the intention of correcting some deep rooted food habits and to examine the possibility of eating healthy on a consistent basis with less or no junk food, I recently went on a ‘No Junk Food’ Challenge for 21 days.

Junk Food:

The definition of ‘Junk Food’ in this case included :

1)No Carbonated Drinks
2)No Ice cream
3)No Chocolates
4)No Deep fried foods
5)No processed cheese

6)No desserts 
with refined sugar/processed flour

No Junk Food
No Junk Food




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In pursuit of passion through his lens – Karthik Rajagopal

The dream that everyone dreams:

We all know or probably are people who live two lives – one at their desk job hating what they do and wishing they were somewhere else and the second in the weekend – running, writing, climbing, travelling, taking pictures and hoping that the weekend never ends. Many have a hobby that they would love to pursue professionally; some of them are even extremely good at their craft. But 99% of these people continue to live this dual life until they retire or die, preferring the certainty of a paycheck over the perks of the unknown and unpredictable. Continue reading In pursuit of passion through his lens – Karthik Rajagopal